How to Help Your Child Feel Comfortable About their Dentist Appointment

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Establishing good dental habits is critical in helping your child maintain good oral hygiene. Parents can do a lot to prevent future dental issues by teaching kids to brush and floss daily and making sure they have regular dentist appointments. However, it is normal for kids to feel worried or anxious when doing something new or out of the ordinary, such as visiting the dentist. Here are 4 tips for helping your child feel comfortable about their dentist appointment.

How to Help Your Child Feel Comfortable About their Dentist Appointment

  • Practice Play – Turning a visit to the dentist into something your child associates with fun is a great idea. Take turns with your child being the dentist and the patient, allowing them to look in a mirror at their teeth, and pretending to brush each other’s teeth. Avoid scary sounds or ideas such as dental drills.
  • Positive Language – This can be as simple as “we get to go to the dentist” instead of “we have to go to the dentist.” Be honest with your child but focus on positive words like “healthy” and “clean” instead of “hurt” or “pain.”
  • Ask for a tour – Children are naturally curious and fear can come from the unknown. Most family dentists understand this and will likely allow your child to ask questions and get a “behind the scenes” look at the dentist office.
  • Bring a comfort object – If your child has a special blanket or stuffed animal that makes them feel safe, you can usually allow them to hold the object as long as it won’t disrupt the work that needs to be done.

Here at Drs. Batten & Heath Family Dentistry, we strive to do all we can to make your dental visits a positive experience for the whole family. Call us today to schedule your child’s dentist appointment.